Developmental Milestones

Developmental Milestones

  • 1 Month:
    • Turns head to sound
    • Recognizing mother
  • 2 Months:
    • Social smile develops
  • 3 Months:
    • Neck holding
    • Head Control
    • Can follow an object up to 180 degrees
    • Cooing
  • 4 Months:
    • Grasps a rattle or rings when placed in hand
  • 5 Months:
    • Sits with support
    • Bidextrous grasp
    • Rolls over (turns from back to side)
    • Reaches out to an object and holds it with both hands (intentional reaching with bidextrous grasp)
    • Transfer the object from one hand to another (5 to 7 months)
  • 6 Months:
    • Produces monosyllable words like ‘da’, ‘ma’
    • Enjoy watching his own image in the mirror
    • Purposeful movement in space (6 to 8 months)
    • Sits in tripod position
  • 7 Months:
    • Holding objects with crude grasp from palm (palmer grasp)
    • Stranger anxiety
    • Babbles
  • 8 Months:
    • Crawls in the bed
    • Sits without support
  • 9 Months:
    • Standing with support
    • Pincer grasp
    • Waves ‘bye-bye’
    • Produces bisyllable words (‘mama’, ‘baba’)
  • 10 Months:
    • Walking with support
    • Crawls and creeps, keeping his abdomen off the ground
    • Plays peek-a-boo game
  • 11 Months:
    • Crawling (Creeping)
  • 12 Months:
    • Standing without support
    • Plays a simple ball game
    • Two words with meaning
  • 13 Months:
    • Walking without support
  • 15 Months:
    • Creeping upstairs
    • Learns to feed himself with a spoon without spilling its contents
    • Makes a tower of 3 cubes
  • 18 Months:
    • Running
    • Can feed himself from a cup
    • Can use 10 words with meaning
    • Builds a tower of 4 cubes
    • Names pictures
  • 24 Months:
    • Walking upstairs
    • Simple sentence
  • 30 Months:
    • Climbs stairs alternating feet
    • Makes a tower of 9 cubes
    • Refers to self as "I" and knows full name
    • Can use past tense, plurals, and combined nouns and verbs
  • 3 Years:
    • Rides a tricycle
    • Stands momentarily on one foot
    • Draws a circle
    • Can dress and undress himself and successfully buckles his shoes
    • Builds a tower of 10 cubes
    • Knows his gender and age
    • Handedness is established
  • 4 Years:
    • Hops on one foot
    • Goes down stairs with alternating feet
    • Draws a cross (+ sign)
    • Draws a rectangle
    • Identifies colors
    • Can identify left and right (left-right discrimination)
    • Can use sentences of 6 words
    • Can tell a story
  • 5 Years:
    • Draws a tilted cross (X sign)
    • Draws a triangle
    • Names colors
    • Can use sentences of 10 words


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